Most reliable external hard drives 2016
Most reliable external hard drives 2016

most reliable external hard drives 2016 most reliable external hard drives 2016

Backblaze has over 12,000 of these drives their average age is 0.9 years. The Seagate Desktop HDD.15 4-Terabyte drive ($140 at Newegg) provided the best price/reliability ratio, with an annual failure rate of 2.6%. (See also, the updated Q3 2015 reliability report.) Here’s the gist of their Q4 2014 reliability report, below. As of December 31, 2014, Backblaze had 41,213 disk drives in service, a more than adequate sample size. The company uses consumer-grade hard drives, most of 3 or 4 Terabyte capacities, so their performance is relevant to the average home or small business user. Backblaze is unique among cloud services in running an “open source” operation it regularly publishes detailed blog posts about the composition and performance of its infrastructure. So the question, “What is the most reliable hard drive?” is particularly pertinent.Ī massive amount of data that can help to answer that question is coming out of cloud-storage provider BackBlaze these days. Getting that data back can be time-consuming, expensive, or even impossible, especially if you haven’t kept adequate backup copies. But when a hard drive stops working you lose access to all of your personal data stored on it. If any other component fails you can replace it and get back to work pretty quickly. A hard drive failure is the worst thing that can happen to your computer.

Most reliable external hard drives 2016